Professional Development

for English Teachers

The 28th P.A.R.K. Conference

Goals, gaps and outcomes: Defining Communicative Language Teaching


Neil Anderson

KEY WORDScommunicative tasks, meaning, form, teacher, questions, display vs. real

AGE GROUPSteens, young adults, adults



Many of us believe we teach “communicatively” – but what does this actually entail? Is it just about students working in pairs or is there more to it? Communicative language teaching (CLT) can be quite hard to pin down. This talk will focus on several key principles of CLT and will look at practical ways of realising these in our lessons including centring meaning when dealing with language and making communication motivating and purposeful.

Neil Anderson is Head of Training at Budapest Training Institute, a member of the Euroexam International Group. He is a teacher, CELTA and DELTA trainer as well as the co-author of Activities for Task-Based Learning (Klett) and the blog Fluency First ELT ( His main interests include teacher development, reflective practice, second language acquisition and task-based language learning.