Professional Development

for English Teachers

The 30th P.A.R.K. Conference

How real is reality? Hyperidentity in language acquisition


Thom Jones

KEY WORDSreality, cyber identity, communication, language acquisition

AGE GROUPSteens, young adults, adults



In a world we often see through the lens of our devices, where does reality start? Are we who we say we are in our,various,online personas? Or are we the person sat next to you on the bus? How engaged are we in our everyday reality, if we always have a cyber-window open on the world? If the border between our physical and online selves is negotiable, who needs to learn which language and why? We’ll look at how we communicate now, how we may in the future and whether that (inevitable?) change can be accurately used in a language classroom. There will be a lot of questions and, together with a clever audience, a lot of answers. Bring your own clever.

Thom Jones has lived in more than a dozen countries and delivered training in over 70. Formerly part of the senior executive at Embassy CES before becoming Director of Operations USA for Studygroup he returned to the UK to work with Trinity College London and now works with a range of organisations on a wide variety of projects. He is Ambassador of Buzz for Express Publishing and College Principal for an international summer programme in Cambridge each summer. He presents regularly around the world on a range of topics and is a guest lecturer at four universities. He is also a freelance trainer in business and management.