Professional Development

for English Teachers

The 31st P.A.R.K. Conference

Unravelling Fake News: Critical Thinking in the EFL Classroom


Martin Kräussl

KEY WORDSfake news, propaganda, critical discourse analysis, CDA, media, news

AGE GROUPSteens, young adults, adults



This comprehensive workshop equips educators with tools to address the challenges of fake news and propaganda in the EFL classroom. We will explore the key concepts related to media literacy, delve into various activities to foster students' critical thinking skills and empower them for responsible digital citizenship. Educators will leave with a toolkit and activities to cultivate informed, media-savvy English language learners ready to navigate today's complex informational landscape.

Martin Kräussl has nearly 20 years of experience as an English teacher. He currently teaches professional and academic English at the Prague University of Business and Economics (VŠE). He also supervises the teaching practice of future English teachers at Prague City University, where he offers courses on critical discourse analysis, focusing on advertising and media. As a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Martin is investigating critical thinking within the context of English language teaching.