Professional Development

for English Teachers

The 29th P.A.R.K. Conference

Getting The Message Across: Mediation in the EFL Classroom


George Kokkolis-Papadopoulos

KEY WORDSmediation, communication

AGE GROUPSteens, young adults



Mediation is an essential element of everyday communication in today's pluricultural and plurilingual societies, emphasizing the crucial role of language in the social perspective. This presentation will focus on its value and practical applications in the EFL classroom, helping learners and teachers communicate through the co-construction of meaning.

George Kokkolis-Papadopoulos has been active in the ELT sector for the past 8 years. Having studied English Language and Literature, he has had the opportunity to work as an EFL teacher and an Oral Examiner. He has been involved with TESOL orgnaisations, and as part of the Express Publishing Team, he has been given the opportunity to present Academic talks in multiple ELT organisations around the world.