Professional Development

for English Teachers

The 31st P.A.R.K. Conference

Engaging students with games


Lenka Pavelková

KEY WORDSgames, engagement, visual learners

AGE GROUPSvery young learners, young learners, teens, young adults, adults

CEFR LEVELSA0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2


Different games are a great way to motivate students and provide them with emotional experience that supports the learning process. Many games, such are card games and games using dice, also help different types of learners, especially visual and haptic learners. The workshop will provide the participants with examples of such games and their use in classes, including some follow-up activities and tasks.

Lenka Pavelková is a teacher of English, Italian and geography. She studied at Charles University of Prague, but she has spent a significant part of her studies in different European cities. Currently, she mainly teaches elementary and high school students, but she has also experience of teaching adults and university students. She is a co-founder of Brouci v hlavě, a brand of games for language teaching.