Professional Development

for English Teachers

The 28th P.A.R.K. Conference

Structuring students’ writing


Eva Punčochářová

KEY WORDSwriting, paragraph, structure, coherence

AGE GROUPSteens, young adults, adults



Are you frustrated with your students’ jumbled and chaotic writing? Would you like to help them improve their writing skills and produce readable and coherent texts?

A couple of years ago we looked at the structure of a paragraph. Let’s now revise the basics and take it further by sharing and trying out strategies that will help your students organize their thoughts and turn them into well-structured and smoothly flowing texts.

Eva Pun?ochá?ová has been teaching Business English and Presentation skills at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, MU for more than ten years. She also works for Cambridge P.A.R.K. as an examiner. She is a keen and regular user of all the online applications that she came across while teaching online during the pandemic.